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Decentralize Tron Network


Our goal is to decentralize as much can of the Tron network in our role as Super Representative. We are a community outreach program and plan to work with the community in this effort. We provide info in our blog to projects that we deem note worthy to help our community to stay informed and empowered.



  1. Give power back to the people and community and provide info. Check out our blog down below.

  2. Become a Super Representative.


Link below shows you how to stake your coins and reap other benefits when you vote for a SR.

How it all works Click Here

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Link To Faucet on Twitter Page


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Home: Welcome

Decentralize Tronix

Our Mission Statement in detail

Keep in mind we are under construction.


We would like to invite you to our cause to insure trust within our Tron network. This will give our voters access to the power reserved to Super Representatives by reallocating blocks mined to voting power. Effectively giving the power back to our voters.


Our main goal in our startup is to run for Super Representative. We will create a network of ideas to help decentralize our nodes on and hold nodes accountable to our community. As you know there are 27 Super Representatives that represent the Tron Network. What we will be doing is using 80% of our financial power as a Super Representative to vote for other Super Representatives that best represent our goal as a community in efforts to decentralize and progress. We decided to run as a non-profit taking example from from Sesameseed to give back to the community. Once our goals have been meet by the community and we are satisfied with our Super Representatives at that point we will reallocate future profits back to the community. Meaning that once we are satisfied with the Super Representatives in place it is pointless to keep voting and future funds (80%) will be distributed back to the community with our new token. This is an effort to keep our community open, honest and accountable. To gain trust in our network and give potential future investors reassurance that we are devoted to the decentralized nature of Tron. 

Community voting for Decentralize Troniox will also vote in the blog which is under construction. Your urged to participate in up voting and access to community topics and research we will be posting on the blog.  We are hoping to become a hot bed for conversation.

We are looking for developers designers coders for front end development and database building for apps you could send an resume to email on the bottom of the screen or check out our blog for info on how to stay informed.




Home: About
Home: Services
Cheering Crowd
Market Analysis
Motherboard Installation

Community Investment

80% of profits

  • 80% of our profits will go toward voting for other Representatives as counter weight to decentralize nodes based of the wishes of our voters.

  • Once that has satisfied our community that same 80% will go toward staking in our token system and will be distributed to the voters based on percentage of vote. 

  • These two ideas will alternate to benefit our voters.

  • Voting for other SR's may yield extra funds and will be distributed back to voters.

Research, Development and Administrative Cost

10% of profits

Research for the community to help balance our voting powers. Development of our services to the community. Payment to community who help keep our objective alive.

Node Operations Cost

10% of profit

This is to keep our node up and running their is no way around this cost.

Donate To get us up and running. We will rely on donations for the cost of Sartup.

There will be future benefits to people who have donated. If you send a donation please send an email with your transaction information. Once we are up I plan on give these donations back from part of the Administrative fees collected and other rare opportunities for your support.


Donate TRX: TB3WiLEj6iuSBU5tGUKyZkjB4vqrBDvoYM

Donate BTC: 1KmkoLNye1xhAd9LEyPpbR3FMuFxWu322w

Donate ETH: 0x9fc47a70de90322436feb128e386a39940ae23d9

Donate Dash: Xp2xUj7feEhyf1s5pzVMnUnv7VnTfDstW7

Donate LTC: LLhL2Wyg9E95GqAuuRvyuu4CSJNcwst3FL

Donate XMR: Payment ID(Required):8fc12d070e6be7d73d34eed8502591d2d9c48463cf80a8959c1eb715d24a4fe7

       XMR Address: 4ALcw9nTAStZSshoWVUJakZ6tLwTDhixhQUQNJkCn4t3fG3MMK19WZM44HnQRvjqmz4LkkA8t565v7iBwQXx2r34HNroSAZ

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